
Jdatapump is a batch tool to "pump" data from one database to another, even the two DBMS not same, or these databases on different hosts, or they have different structure! You need write a mapping file (in xml), which maps database schema from one to another, and the rest thing will be taken care by Jdatapump.

Jdatapump has been used in 2 projects, and done the database migration jobs successfully; it may help your project too. Use it, it may help you, and submit issues or feature requests to us, so Jdatapump can perform better!

Jdatapump is a pure java console application, using JDBC to access databases, so most DBMS is supported. We have tested it on MS SQL Server 2000 and Postgresql 7.2 server.


1.Make sure you meet following prerequisite conditions:

  • JRE/JDK 1.3+
  • JDBC drivers for your source and destination DBMS
  • 2.Download Jdatapump 0.1 from here.

    3.That¡¯s all.


    1.(Optional) Write your own conversion rule between a source column and a destination column.

    2.Write a mapping file to describe your job, here¡¯s how.

    3.Append your JDBC drivers to CLASSPATH, and run Jdatapump. For example:

    Java ¨Ccp postgresql.jar com.volcano.datapump.pumpTask [taskdef file]

    4.Check data pumped in destination database when Jdatapump finish its job.

    We need help

  • User: Use it in your project and submit issues and suggests.
  • Document writer and web site designer.
  • Developers!

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